Nov 142016
Broken pitch
Too many pitches are boring. Boring pitches are the weak link in Startup communication. I applaud anyone who listens to pitches full time. They’ve got to have a special talent for staying awake. I attend all kinds of startup Pitching Events, from competitions, to demo days and investor pitching sessions and, even though I train people to pitch well,  I sometimes have an irresistible urge to ...
Jun 172014
What do you say when someone asks you what you do? What do you say when you need to sell something? What do you say when you want to tell someone about your great idea? Pitching and catching We give business pitches for any number of reasons: to increase our network, to get new customers, to generate investment in our products and companies. In baseball, every pitch is thrown to somebody: ...
Jun 112013
A business pitch, just like a great pick‑up line, is an invitation to further conversation – or, better yet, to further action. However, all too often we end up feeling more like helpless teen-agers than successful businesspeople. We all need to pitch many times a day, whether it’s explaining what we can do for potential clients, selling our best ideas, or generating investment in our startups. Just ...